COVID 19 questionnaires

COVID-19 working groups in the EU funded OMEGA-NET COST Action and EPHOR project have resulted in 2 COVID questionnaires for assessment of risk factors for and effects of SARS-Cov-2 infection and COVID-19 disease in epidemiological studies.

The questionnaires can be found on


Questionnaire #1 focusses on occupational risk factors for SARS-Cov-2 infection and COVID disease. Questionnaire #2 covers all key aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the following domains: symptoms, health and private risk factors, use of personal protective equipment, health outcome, work-based risk factors, work-related effects, psychosocial risk factors, lifestyle risk factors, financial risks, and subjective evaluation. Both questionnaires consist of a short core section and a more elaborate section.

Please use the Contact form if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the questionnaires.

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This page was last edited on 06 November 2020, at 09:57 (GMT)